Bill Frederick, master metalsmith, in his Chicago studio
Bill Frederick Memorial Metalsmithing Studio and Archives (2012-2014)
Client: Chicago History Museum, Pauls Foundation and Lillstreet Arts Center
Role: Consultant, Archival and Photo Documentation
Documentation, research and support for Pauls Foundation concerning the estate of Bill Frederick, master metalsmith.
Key Role
- Advisor to the Pauls Foundation concerning the estate of master metalsmith Bill Frederick.
- Worked with the curators at Chicago History Museum in the identification of tools and important archival documents.
- Photo documentation of the metalsmithing studio for the Pauls Foundation and the Chicago History Museum.
- Brokered gifting of the metalsmithing studio tools to Lillstreet Artist Studios.
- Ongoing support of the Pauls Foundation and Lillstreet Arts Center metalsmithing studio in the development of the Bill Frederick Memorial Studio.